Join the CMC
What are the Benefits of Club Membership?
Apart from the obvious benefits of meeting like-minded mountain enthusiasts and taking part in club activities what else does club membership offer?
Discounted entry to ROF59 climbing wall on Tuesdays and exclusive access to Macmillan wall, on Thursday evenings during the winter months.
Access to the Club Hut in Patterdale and The Chamois Club Hut in Snowdonia.
As the CMC is affiliated to the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) all club members have Combined Liability Insurance, through the BMC.
As a member of a BMC affiliated club you are able to upgrade your BMC membership to full member status, you are able to receive a discount in many outdoor shops (usually 10%) and you will be contributing to the aims and objectives of the BMC, including maintaining access to crags.
How do I Join the Club?
Before applying for full CMC membership, it is necessary to participate in a number of Club meets. It is imperative that before taking part in any Club activities, that you first complete and return an Enquiry Form. This allows for recording you as a Prospective Member, which provides for 3 months Combined Liability Insurance through the BMC, at no cost and without obligation. Having attended the required number of meets and demonstrated competence, etc, you should obtain a membership form. It will need to be completed and endorsed by two members, one of whom must be a Committee Member. Your membership application will be considered by the CMC Committee and if approved, you will be required to pay the following 2024 membership fees, which are as follows:
All club benefits i.e. BMC 3rd Party Insurance, newsletters, use of CMC and Chamois Club huts, discounts at certain gear shops.
Spouse & partner may be Joint Members. Both adults are entitled to all benefits of membership.
Junior members over 16 but under 18. Parent/guardian consent required.
Members in full time education.
Social membership is available for those who no longer need BMC 3rd party insurance cover or member access to the hut. Social members will receive the CMC Newsletter
New members, or those whose membership has lapsed, must pay a £5 (re)joining fee in addition to their other fees.
Do I need to be an experienced climber to join the Club?
The simple answer is no, however the club wants to be sure that prospective members are able to climb safely without putting themselves or others at risk, before joining the club. That’s why applicants must be proposed and seconded. What you do need is to have an interest in climbing/mountaineering and a genuine interest in becoming an active member of the club.
What if I’m a Complete Beginner?
Beginners are welcome although officially the club does not teach people to climb. Neither does the club have equipment to loan to those without it. If you’re looking for a training course in the necessary techniques then we can recommend contacting a local indoor climbing wall or outdoor centre.